This is gonna blow your mind.
We spend so much time debating civility politics and how we’re gonna reach across the aisle to work together. But we’re missing the point entirely.
The real divide isn’t between the right and left. The real divide is between those of us who are engaged and those of us who aren’t. A recent poll found that upwards of 80 - 85 % of people follow politics casually or not at all. The simple truth is that most Americans claim they’re not political.
So don’t get hung up by the polls, or distracted by the 20% of the population that is screaming their heads off on twitter (of which I am one of them :-). Instead of scrambling to confront your uncle or cousin who voted for Trump, think of all of the people in your life who are simply not engaged (statistically, it is more than you think). And consider how you can build community that bridges culture and politics. It looks like talking about politics in the yoga studio. It looks like wine clubs that tackle your ballot. It looks like having courageous conversations on playdates. It looks like getting political wherever you are in new and creative ways.
There is no not-political. There is only not paying attention. And that has cost us too much. Where your attention goes, energy flows.
So let us channel our attention and energy towards building the future that we all deserve.
Kerri (she/her)
Art by @lesaressick

“There are no guarantees…that our work will have an immediate effect. But we have to do it as if it were possible”. Angela Davis on why she still believes America can change. [click to tweet]
Most Americans view politics as two camps bickering endlessly and fruitlessly over unimportant issues. But the real divide in America is between political junkies and everyone else. [click to tweet]
New Zealand’s prime minister just won a historic victory. Her formula for success was simple: science and solidarity. Here’s what Joe Biden can learn from Jacinda Ardern. [click to tweet]
Generosity is not a substitute for justice. Anand Giridharadas on how big pharma and philanthropy is the opioid of the people. [click to tweet]
For Indigenous peoples, our pasts, presents, and futures involve living and being in reciprocal, consensual, and sustainable relations with the natural world. Here’s how we can restore Indigenous systems of relationality. [click to tweet]

This election moment isn’t just transactional. It’s about transforming HOW we do politics together. Our biggest political liability isn’t reaching across the aisle and bridging the partisan divide, it’s engaging non-political people in a practice of politics. It’s culture shift. Culture is the way we be together. Shifting political culture looks like creating community experiences that allow us to see how our political destiny is intertwined and learning how to work together to build the future that we all deserve. Our VOTEWELL Ballot guide is designed to do just that. It invites us to come together in shared values and practice, to reflect on our values and what’s at stake on our ballot, to have courageous conversation about our choices and to be witnessed in our commitment to turning out the vote and transforming out country.

It doesn’t get more real than this. A global pandemic, worldwide uprisings in defense of Black lives, climate catastrophe, and the most consequential presidential election of our lives are evidence that our systems are failing us. We can choose to be together differently. And we can start now. We can engage one another and our communities with mutual care. We can reimagine collective systems where we are all safe and well. We can build the kind of governance we know is possible. We-Govern.org defines governance as the “process by which people determine the norms and rules that guide people’s everyday life and behavior”. Sign on to join the movement. And tune in to CTZN Podcast where we talk about self-governance, building a politics of care and more with Rev angel Kyodo williams, Anasa Troutman, Nelini Stamp and Carinne Luck (coming out TOMORROW)!

While there has been an unprecedented number of votes cast so far in this election (38 million as of today), there has also been significant voter intimidation and interference. But that won’t stop the people. Here’s how you can make the most of the next 13 days:
1) Vote early: It is strongly recommended to vote as soon as possible if you are able to vote early in person or by mail. The USPS is recommending a 14 day window to deliver mail-in ballots. If you can, vote NOW.
2) Mobilize the vote: Have you checked on your people? Do they have a plan? Are they ready to vote all the way down the ballot? Send reminders, share resources, offer rides and do whatever is needed to get out the vote. Download our ballot guide for inspiration.
3) Defend the election: Long lines, voter intimidation and disinformation is threatening to compromise our election. But we’re committed to making sure everyone feels free and safe to vote. Sign up for to be an election defender.
4) Dance the vote: While we are fighting for our lives, we are doing it with joy. Join us for a mass movement of dance, community and collective action on October 29th!

We need each other…especially now. Here’s how we’re sustaining ourselves over the next 13 days and beyond:
SIT WITH REV ANGEL: Fill yourself back up with an 1/2 day meditation with Rev angel on Saturday at 9am or 5pm ET.
RACE IN AMERICA: A 6-day listening, learning and embodied immersion with Nikki Myers, Seane Corn and special guests to explore race and healing in America.
#DANCETHEVOTE: A powerful dance party to align our values, move our bodies and get out the vote on October 29th, 8pm ET.
LOVE & RAGE: An online 6-week course and practice group with Lama Rod Owens starting November 2nd.
VOTEWELL MEET-UP: Where we come together in meaning making and collective action. Join us Thursdays at 7pm PT.
FOLLOW ME HOME: a weeklong activation to explore the meaning of home and what it means for our country and future.

Art @closecallstudio
SWAG ALERT!!!! We’ve partnered up with Be Love on a VOTE collection featuring cool hats and apparel so that you can wear your activism and inspire others to turn out the vote (proceeds go to CTZNWELL).
WELLREAD is community powered and crowd-sourced. That’s how we keep it real. Join us on Patreon for as little as $2/month so that we can keep creating content that matters for CTZNs who care.